Assessment keywords are the difference between good and bad marks
Identifying assessment keywords in test and exam questions helps you understand what the question is asking for and what kind of information or response is expected. Keywords like “state,” “describe,” and “compare” indicate the type of answer required and guide you in organising and presenting the intended answer. In this article I’m going to point out just how important these assessment keywords are.
Consider a question that asks you to “describe” something. This question wants you to provide detailed characteristics or features. If a question asks you to “compare” two things, you need to identify the similarities and differences between them. By understanding the meaning and purpose of these assessment keywords, you can ensure that you answer the question accurately and effectively.
SCSA has updated their glossary of assessment keywords
SCSA has updated (January 2023) its glossary of assessment keywords, which is provided to support teachers and students in having a common understanding of the meaning of these words. SCSA calls this document the “Glossary of key words used in the formulation of questions” – let’s call it GOKWUFQ for short. The biggest changes for 2023 are the addition of the following assessment keywords into the GOKWUFQ:
- Derive: Deduce or obtain by reasoning
- Judge: Form an opinion, estimate or conclusion: make a determination
- Measure: Obtain a metrical unit (e.g. size, dimension, quantity, degree, proportion)
- Modify: Alter; change the form or quality
- Prove: Use a series of steps or a scientific method to determine a required result
- Suggest: Propose a possible action, solution or hypothesis
However, this is not anything groundbreaking – these assessment keywords can be found in many previous WACE exams. The GOKWUFQ doesn’t seem to be an absolute source of truth for examination writers, but rather the addition of these assessment keywords in 2023 helped ensure teachers, students and WACE examination writers all agree on the interpretation of what a good answer requires when these assessment keywords are used.
Access the GOKWUFQ from here (direct SCSA link – let us know if the link is broken!)
Understand assessment keywords to answer questions accurately and efficiently
By understanding the meaning and purpose of these assessment keywords, you can ensure that you answer the question accurately and effectively. Adding too much information beyond what is required will be a waste of time, as you won’t receive additional credit for it and it may detract from the quality of your answer.

As an example, consider the following question:
Test Question: Contrast fruits and vegetables.
Two students have answered this question below. Both answers have factually correct information and both students thought it would be good to include two key points for the number of marks available. However, one student got full marks while the other only half the marks.
Student A | Student B |
Fruits and vegetables are both foods that provide vitamins and minerals the body needs as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Fruits are the mature ovaries of flowering plants that contain seeds, while vegetables are the edible parts of plants, such as roots, stems, leaves, and sometimes flowers. | Fruits are the mature ovaries of flowering plants that contain seeds, while vegetables are the edible parts of plants, such as roots, stems, leaves, and sometimes flowers.
Fruits are generally higher in natural sugars and lower in fiber compared to vegetables, which are often higher in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. |
In the GOKWUFQ, “contrast” requires differences to be identified. Student A has used half of their answer to give similarities between fruits and vegetable – which is not asked for in the question, resulting in less marks for the same amount of effort. Thus understanding the assessment keywords can have a powerful impact on the effectiveness of your answer to meet the marking key requirements.
To sum up, assessment keywords add clarity to test and exam questions which will help informed students give accurate and effective answers that markers are looking for. Grab a copy of the GOKWUFQ and keep it handy while answering practice questions. Look for assessment keywords as you revise and check what the GOKWUFQ has to say about these words. Prepare an answer with the assessment keyword in mind to improve the focus of your answer before checking the solutions.
Oh, and if you get worksheets from your teacher where every question starts with “What” (e.g. “What is the capital of Spain?, “What is a feedback loop?”), send them this article so they can add some educational vernacular to their questions.
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